What People are Saying

What People Are Saying About LEVEL Engineering & Inspection

We have received over 450 amazing online reviews. You can see all of them here.

"Level saved me thousands."

Take my advice. If you suspect a structural issue with your home make the investment to get an objective opinion on the necessary repairs before reaching out to any contractors. Level engineering was very professional and thorough. For the cost of a home inspection they literally saved me tens of thousands of dollars in unnecessary repairs that less than honest contractors were quoting me. Level gave me the knowledge to know what repairs I needed and who to contract with to do the work. As I said, it is worth the nominal investment to understand the nature of the repairs before you start calling people for estimates. These guys are great and I highly recommend them.

– John Berg., City Denver, Co

Level saved me thousands. The engineer who came over (Justin Fendley, UT) was so knowledgeable and helpful, explaining everything that came up on a new home inspection report and giving me tips on how to solve it. He took measurements in the house and gave me the tools I needed to understand the shape of the house and little things I could use to keep it up. I was going to get a foundation repair company to follow up on an issue, but it turns out it was just a misunderstanding. I’m sure the foundation company wouldn’t have done me the same favor. Level was awesome at understanding what I needed and getting an engineer out quickly. Can’t recommend enough – if you think you have foundation problems, get an unbiased engineer to check it first.

 –Justin Cook, Salt Lake City, UT

Where to start! Let me start by saying I can’t say enough good things about LEVEL Engineering. I’ll do my best to be succinct. I’m 30, renovating my first ever home, and had “grand plans.”

Roadblock #1 “Hello it’s the City of Broomfield, you’ll need certified engineering plans for your grand vision.” LEVEL Engineering was at my house for a site visit. Before I go any further, you will see how awesome Steven is. This guy is the most patient and detailed professional I have ever worked with. And professional is EXACTLY the right adjective.

Before I get into the details, I had several rounds of questions during the design phase and every time Steven was quick to address my questions, was super polite, and even was excited to help a new guy like me learn. You can’t make this stuff up. Steven was awesome at asking about what I hoped to accomplish (like relocating stairs, vaulting the ceiling to allow for skylights, you know, the usual).

Roadblock #2: “Let me take some measurements with my laser level. 10 minutes… You have lateral and vertical movement in your foundation, and you can’t make structural changes until you address your foundation problems.”

After a week of careful research, and talking to my neighbor (who happens to be a project manager for a local municipality), it turns out Colorado soil SUCKS. It’s expansive clay soil, and if your home is built before the 80s like mine (1957) it likely was built with an inferior foundation (no rebar, thinner concrete, the whole 9 yards).

So what to do? I’m a 30-year old dude trying to do a successful (and affordable!) house flip on my own. An expensive basement foundation repair isn’t really in the cards. Until I thought it through. I went with Complete Basement Systems (CBS) who helped me finance the repairs which came out to $44k for helical piers, wall braces, and some hydraulic cement. Cool, foundation is fixed, I can proceed with the engineering plans.

Well, a project like this is a journey, and LEVEL Engineering has been along for the ride. These things never go as fast as you’d like, and that goes for the questions too. Steven had my design draft done within a week of the foundation repairs. I looked it over and gave it a thumbs up.

My plans were stamped within a day and I was “good to go”. The reason for the quotes is once I started working on the changes, I noticed a few things here and there that didn’t seem quite right. For instance, one strongback was specified to support a purlin brace, but another purlin brace wasn’t accounted for.

I asked Steven about this, and he admitted that it was an oversight. Immediately he corrected the error and sent me new plans. A few other issues like this cropped up and each time Steven was *super* responsive and helped me out straight away. In my mind, although the plans weren’t perfect from the start, I still give Steven and LEVEL Engineering 5-stars. His responsiveness and thoroughness was outstanding. Also, again, he was so polite. Every single time. If I was Steven I would be grumbling about “This guy again” but no, never. A true professional.

Bottom line – when I started this project, I thought I was getting scammed and the cost was ridiculous. Now I see I couldn’t have been more wrong. LEVEL Engineering (and Steven especially) are true professionals. They charge what they are worth and they deserve every penny. Making changes to an existing structure is a process, and I am glad to have had their expertise every step of the way.

– Adam Goss, Broomfield, CO

Kyle Vanderveen, PE executed our calculations and drawings. He not only got to our project in a timely fashion, but also did excellent work that our Architect was very pleased with. At this time in LV, construction professionals and associated people are in ENOMROUS demand, and it is often very difficult to obtain these services. I remind readers that you cannot even apply without these drawings completed. Kyle made promises that he KEPT. Originally, the engineer we were supposed to hire, from a different firm, through no fault of his own ended up in the hospital. Kyle filled that gap exceptionally well. Three cheers for Kyle!

– Dr. MM. Rosenblatt, Las Vegas, NV

It was an easy, professional, and rewarding experience. The website was the first sign that I was going to be treated like a respected customer because of their commitment to a client’s “peace of mind” for everyday residential homes renovations. The intake personnel were knowledgeable and understood what I needed and were able to schedule me with a structural engineer within 48 hours. The structural engineer was prompt and spent the time to discuss my issues with me. He did a complete investigation. He promised me a report within the hour and I received it as promised. Due to the great customer service, I plan on using LEVEL for the remainder of my home’s structural planning. — Christian Augustin, NV

“Prompt, knowledgeable, creative and professional”

“I’ve never written an online review; but Level Engineering went above and beyond my expectations so I had to write. They are prompt, knowledgeable, creative and professionals. No professional I contacted knew why sewage continued to flood my basement – until LEVEL. They did forensics and determined it was the city’s fault. They then helped me navigate communications with the city until they covered the $80,000+ to solve the problem. Without their expertise my family and I would not be able to call our house a home again”.

– Sandra B., City Withheld, Co

Couldn’t have found a better company to determine what was causing our inside walls to separate from the ceiling. complete and detailed report explaining every detail. I highly recommend this company .

– John N.

I am a licensed Architect and I had a very positive experience with hiring a Structural Engineer through Level Engineering. From the introductory appointment , meeting at the house, to submitting final drawings for Permit, the Engineer was thorough and Professional.

Diane Torn, Salt Lake City, UT

“Scott is an awesome structural engineer. I highly recommend him”.

– Michael M. Estes Park, Co

“Level Engineering came in, understood our situation and quickly turned around a clear concise structural observation letter that allowed me to complete my remodel.Very much appreciated!”.

– Calvin S. Denver, Co

“LEVEL’s quick response and letter of findings was very professional and addressed all of my concerns. I highly recommend them”.

– Virginia T. Loveland, Co

“Scott was courteous, knowledgeable and experienced. Though I hope it never becomes necessary, I would hire Level Engineering again”.

– Gino S. Denver, Co

“Allowed us to move forward with confidence”

“Level Engineering analyzed my issue and answered all my questions in a way I could understand. This allowed us to move forward with confidence”.

– James A. Johnstown, Co

“Scott went out of his way to make sure our project was done on time and done well. I really appreciated his knowledge, experience and assistance. Will definitely hire LEVEL again.

– Travis D, Louisville

 “LEVEL helped us understand the issue and gave us several solutions and price points, explaining each in laymen’s terms. This helped us feel comfortable that we could repair things in the way (and for the price) that we were most comfortable.  We ended up doing the work ourselves, and LEVEL remained available for questions through the process.”

– K.S., Denver CO

LEVEL came out and analyzed my sagging porch roof, determined it was a supporting post and sunk several inches over time and drew up a plan to jack up the beam, shim the post and attach metal brackets to brace the post and beam. Nice solution at a fair price.

– Bill B, Morrison CO

“Provided exactly what we needed for the city”

“Our engineer was very easy to work with and communicated with us on a regular basis to let us know where he was in the design process as well as answer all of our questions. He provided us with exactly what we needed for the city and he was able to come up with a structural design that met our wants as well as address what the city wanted. It was approved by the city within 24 hours. He gave us a very detailed plan to complete our project which made it so easy to make a very accurate materials list. I would highly recommend LEVEL and would definitely hire him again”.

– Lynda G in aurora Co

“They offered ideas and solutions that I never would have thought of – and, neither did the contractors that looked at the job.”

– Terri K, Lakewood CO

“…Great value. LEVEL saved me a lot of time, money and energy”

– Sean H., Denver

“LEVEL came out quickly and saved the closing”

“My client’s closing was held up by an inspection report requiring an engineer’s inspection. LEVEL came out quickly and saved the closing – and my client has certainty and confidence with his purchase.”

– Jean A., Realtor, Denver CO