Special Inspections Services
Engineering | Architecture | Inspection

Special Inspections Services
LEVEL Engineering can help you with your special inspections. Our team is qualified and experienced in this realm and have helped many clients with special inspection engineering.
Special Inspections, as defined in the IBC-International Building Code: “the inspection of construction requiring the expertise of an approved special inspector in order to ensure compliance with the code and the approved construction documents.”

What Special Inspection
Services do We Offer
Odd, unique, or one of a kind projects that require special attention and expertise. Special inspections vary throughout the country (complexity, verification, legislation).
Frequently, local jurisdictions don’t have in-house staff to inspect these complexities, therefore the building official can request 3rd party independent experts to fulfill the inspections. That’s where we come in. We understand special inspections and are certified in your area. Reach out to us to see if we can serve your Special inspection needs.

Special Inspections Services include, but aren’t limited to:
- Concrete construction
- Reinforcements
- Welding
- Existing buildings
- Steel Construction
- Structural steel
- Cold-formed steel deck
- Open-web steel joists and Joist girders
- Cold-formed steel trusses spanning 60 feet or greater
- Welding of reinforcing bars
- Material test
- Masonry construction
- Empirically designed masonry, glass unit masonry and masonry veneer in risk category IV
- Vertical masonry foundation elements
- Wood construction
- High-load diaphragms
- Metal-plate-connected wood trusses spanning 60 feet or greater
- Soils
- Driven deep foundations
- Cast-in-place deep foundations
- Helical pile foundations
- Fabricated items
- Special inspections for wind resistance
- Structural wood
- Cold-formed steel light-frame construction
- Wind-resiting components
- Special inspections for seismic resistance
- Designated seismic systems
- Construction materials and systems that are alternatives
to materials and systems prescribed by this code. - Unusual design applications of materials described in the code.
- Materials and systems required to be installed in accordance with
additional manufacturers instructions that prescribe requirements
not contained in this code or in standards referenced by the code. - And more…

Level Offices
We come to the site location and have a large coverage area in each city we serve. Give us a call or chat to see if we’re in your area.